The Spring launch brought the usual craziness with owners requesting last minute changes and weather that complicated schedules. As you can imagine, high winds and rain are not conducive for launching boats and raising masts. But in the end, they all splashed and scattered around the Great Lakes like geese searching for the best spot.

The first to head out from Goderich was Gaviidae 41 intent on doing an overnight crossing. The next morning Lady Carol and Imagine set out – all trying to beat a nasty weather front that was heading in. Gaviidae was sporting fresh new Awlgrip along with upgrades to her electrical systems and Imagine departed with new electronics. Gaviidae 37 headed out in late June with new custom hardtops and solar panels.
Also to leave the shop was a 50′ Beneteau that had been damaged in Hurricane Maria in the British Virgin Islands. The owner had the boat transported to their home port of Goderich and we spent the better part of the winter repairing extensive damage to the fiberglass hull. Yes, we do work on other boats besides Gozzards! In fact, at one point this past winter there was a small fleet of Melges 24s in the shop getting tuned up with speed enhancements to improve their race performance.
Speaking of Melges 24s, we continue to race on Rush whenever time permits.