September 2020
What a strange year this has been! By now most of you will have heard the Canadian US border has been closed since the pandemic started. It remains close officially until September 21 but rumor has it that it will remain closed for a few more months. The Canadian Government updates the status of the border usually on the 14th of the month and extend the closure in 1 month increments. That has meant that all of the US boats that were here for refits last winter were stuck here and were unable to leave. Recently however officials have finally ...

May 1 2020
Lucy Spring of 2020 has been anything but typical due to Covid-19 restrictions and the subsequent border closure. Here at Gozzard Yachts, we have remained open working on a number of Gozzards that are undergoing major upgrades. Included in our project list is a complete new teak deck on a Gozzard 44 along with a new Beta engine. And the remodel of the mid-section of G41 #4 moving the dinette to starboard and combined with the nav station and placing the refrigeration/freezer where the dinette was located. The result will give the owners increased dinette seating and storage and triple ...
November 1 2019
I was reminded recently that it has been a while since we have updated the website news section – sorry about that. For those of you who do not talk to us on a regular basis we are happy to report everyone here is doing well save one. Sadly Lance, our office corgi, passed away in late September but he did so in the comfort of family and a familiar place – right here at work. He is missed greatly. By now some of you will have also noticed we are not attending Annapolis again this year… do not read ...

July 15 2019
The Spring launch brought the usual craziness with owners requesting last minute changes and weather that complicated schedules. As you can imagine, high winds and rain are not conducive for launching boats and raising masts. But in the end, they all splashed and scattered around the Great Lakes like geese searching for the best spot. Crowded shop floor The first to head out from Goderich was Gaviidae 41 intent on doing an overnight crossing. The next morning Lady Carol and Imagine set out - all trying to beat a nasty weather front that was heading in. Gaviidae was sporting fresh ...